"Pupils feel extremely safe, and parents agree that their children are safe."
Ofsted 2018

Governor Vacancies

St Thomas Catholic Academies Trust are seeking highly motivated and dynamic individuals to join the Local Academy Committees at our schools. Governors work with the headteacher and senior leadership team to drive the strategic development of the school and raise standards of achievement.

We have a number of vacancies for Foundation Governors across our schools within the Trust.   A Foundation Governor must be a practising Catholic and able to supply a supporting reference from their Priest. 

Governors are drawn from a variety of backgrounds and their experience and strategic skills make a vital contribution to the continuing development of the organisation.  

The Trust is looking for committed individuals who can demonstrate excellent strategic skills, have plenty of ideas and a highly innovative approach. Being a governor  is a challenging but rewarding voluntary role right at the forefront of developments in education, at a time of huge change and challenge within the sector.

If you feel you can contribute to our continuing success, we would be pleased to hear from you. The Trust is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion and welcomes applications from under-represented groups within the community.  If you have further questions, please go to our Governor FAQ's page.

(Where we have vacancies for Parent Governors, these will be promoted via the school.)

Please select the school you wish to apply for: